Sheryl Ross Bio
Equus Art & Design represents the coming together of several lifelong passions and careers – horses, photography and marketing.
I was raised in southern California and like many young girls, dreamed of owning a horse. My dream was realized when I was 9 years old and by the age of 12, I was winning California state barrel racing championships. At 18, I decided to make horses my career and I attended the Pacific Horse Center Riding Academy to hone my skills. After completing the course, I started my own business as a hunter-jumper trainer and competitor. I ran it for 10 years, along the way being recognized Trainer of the Year through a local organization.
In the mid-1980s, I moved to northern California and started working in high-technology marketing, including for world-class companies such as Intuit and Sun Microsystems. Altogether, I have 15 years experience in high-tech marketing and communications.
All along the way, I continued to ride for pleasure and pursue my lifelong passion for photography. In 2003, I took up the sport of dressage and today, I compete as an amateur at the upper levels; in 2004, I became a professional photographer; and in 2008, I founded Equus Art & Design, combining my creative expertise and business experience with my first-hand knowledge of equestrian training, competition and breeding.